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Hotwire and View Components: A Modern Rails Workflow

Published on: 2024-07-29

We can take advantage of two powerful features in Rails 7 to significantly enhance development speed and user experience: Hotwire and View Components. While each offers unique benefits, together they form a dynamic duo for building modern, interactive web applications.

This article will explore both concepts through a practical example, building a simple application showcasing their integration. In the next post, we’ll create a basic “to-do list” application with Hotwire’s Turbo functionality for seamless page updates and View Components to encapsulate reusable UI elements.

Hotwire and View Components

Hotwire: Bridging the Gap Between Server and Client

Hotwire, encompassing technologies like Turbo and Stimulus, provides a server-driven approach to building interactive experiences. Unlike traditional JavaScript frameworks that rely heavily on client-side rendering, Hotwire leverages the power of Rails’ server-side rendering, minimizing the need for complex JavaScript code.

  • Turbo serves as the foundation for Hotwire, enabling seamless page updates without full page reloads. When a user interacts with the application, Turbo handles the communication between the server and client, replacing only the necessary sections of the page, resulting in a faster and smoother experience.

  • Stimulus complements Turbo by offering a lightweight JavaScript framework for enhancing page elements with dynamic behavior. It allows you to write concise JavaScript code, directly interacting with HTML elements and handling user interactions.

Hotwire and View Components

View Components: Building Reusable UI Blocks

View Components introduce the concept of reusable UI building blocks, encapsulating logic and presentation into self-contained components. This promotes code reusability, maintainability, and consistency across your application.

Each View Component represents a specific UI element, such as a form, a list, or a navigation menu. It has its own dedicated view file, controller logic, and optional helper methods, allowing for tailored functionality and presentation.

Hotwire and View Components

This work by Frank Vielma is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.
© 2024 Frank Vielma